We are a French Immersion Kindergarten class. We are new at blogging and this is our first blog post to the world! We do a lot of art and want to share this project with you. We made this as a team: each small square of the mural was coloured by one, two or three students. 

We have questions for you: What does our jungle mural make you think about? What stories does it tell? How does it make you feel?

Send us your thoughts; we'd love to hear from you! En français si possible :)

We'll use your ideas to prompt our own stories and share them with you here at a later date.

Thank you for being part of our learning community!

5/21/2013 04:01:58 am

Bonjour! Unfortunately my french is not very good, so my thoughts on your wonderful Jungle Mural will have to be in english.

First off, I love it! I am amazed that Kindergarteners did that beautiful work, they truly look as though they are getting ready for grade 1!

Your mural makes me feel as if I am in a very warm place, and that the leaves and animals are very close to me. I am used to living in places that have lots of space around them, so it is neat to imagine what it would feel like to live in a space where everything is so close together.

I am wondering which animals would eat which foods in your picture? What plants grow in the jungle that may be similar to plants we have in Canada?

I'll end my comment with a jungle joke:

Q: Why did the lion spit out the clown?
A: Because he tasted funny!

Keep up the good work!

Jacqueline C
5/22/2013 10:17:44 pm

J'adore votre tableau! Toutes les couleurs sont belles et les animaux sont beaux! Ils ne me font pas du tout peur. Moi aussi, j'ai une blague pour vous:
Qu'est-ce qui est plus fort qu'un lion?
Deux lions!!!
Je vous souhaite bonne continuation avec votre français. C'est une très belle langue qui se parle sur tous les continents!

2/10/2021 10:32:37 pm

tableau training


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    We are a French Immersion Kindergarten class. This is our first blog.


    May 2013

